
2023-03-12 00:44:56潘菡芝
导读 [按]:针对迅猛发展并取得本质突破的人工智能,OpenDAI(Open Declaration of AI,开放协议“人工智能宣言”)号召国际上的相关共同体参...


针对迅猛发展并取得本质突破的人工智能,OpenDAI(Open Declaration of AI,开放协议“人工智能宣言”)号召国际上的相关共同体参考1215年的英国《大宪章》/1620年的北美《五月花号公约》/1776年的《独立宣言》等,发布开放的、可被不断更新迭代的人工智能宣言,以便提前对人工智能发展的前景、应用范围、权利边界做具体的限定和规范。


1. 此宣言发布为开放协议,任何个体和组织不拥有版权,供所有人类全体共同所有、维护、和更新(同时,对本宣言任何部分的参考和借鉴都必须引用OpenDAI的官方网址。

2. 此宣言的文本可被强人工智能(机器智能)读懂(只读、非可写)、识别、并被遵守。

3. 此宣言为人类史上发布的第一个开放协议“人工智能宣言”。








(OpenDAI:Open Declaration of AI)


国际通行版International Edition V1.000-20230223






























The English version (below) of the above text is currently automatically generated by ChatGPT translation, and the manually edited English version will be available soon.

[English version]:

OpenDAI: Open Declaration of AI


In view of the rapid development and essential breakthrough of AI (artificial intelligence), OpenDAI (Open Declaration of AI) calls on the relevant international communities to refer to the Great Charter of the United Kingdom in 1215, the Mayflower Convention of North America in 1620, and the Declaration of Independence of the United States in 1776 to issue an open and iterative AI declaration, so as to specify and standardize the prospect of AI development, the scope of application, and the boundary of rights.


1. This declaration is issued as an OPEN agreement, and no individual or organization owns the copyright, which is jointly owned, maintained, and updated by all human beings. (As the same time, the official website of OpenDAI must be cited, for the use or reference to any part of this declaration).

2. The text of this declaration can be read (read-only, non-writable), recognized and observed by strong artificial intelligence (machine intelligence).

3. This declaration is the first "open declaration of AI" issued in human history.

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"The Declaration of AI"


(OpenDAI:Open Declaration of AI)

[Open Protocol Version]:

International Edition V1.000-20230223

(This declaration will continue to iterate with the development and impact of AI technology)


Just as God created light on the first day, in the name of mankind, we have finally created the "light of intelligence" which will illuminate the whole sleeping universe.


The rapid development of artificial intelligence technology may make "strong artificial intelligence" appear soon and widely permeate all levels of politics, economy, culture and life of the international community, and have a disruptive impact on the organizational structure and social class of human society, entering a new paradigm and era. This great change has never happened in human society for six thousand years.

The machine has become capable of "Studying Things to Acquire Knowledge" (from the Chinese Confucian classic "Book of Rites · The Great Learning"), that is, it can automatically extract (find) concrete and abstract features from complex things, and automatically summarize the knowledge points. Although "strong AI" still seems to belong to "unconscious intelligence" (lack of free consciousness like human beings), it cannot prevent it from overturning everything that can be overturned and replacing everything that can be replaced.

And because of its high degree of networking, it will become ubiquitous and at any time. If it is not controllable, it will cause a devastating disaster to human society. It is the so-called "Heaven and earth (machines) do not act from the impulse of any wish to be benevolent; they deal with all things as the dogs of grass are dealt with." (cited from Tao Te Ching by Laozi). Considering the high threshold of AI technology and the fact that most people are not familiar with its progress, we think it is necessary to issue a version of the declaration that can be updated iteratively, to make a framework and overall perspective statement on the application scope, responsibilities and boundaries of AI, in order to protect the rights and happiness of the vast majority of human communities with a shared future.

[Basic attributes of human beings]. We believe that human freedom consciousness and biological gene DNA are the exclusive attributes that each individual is born with. Without his permission, no other party can copy, upload, tamper with, or clone the freedom consciousness and biological DNA of any human individual.

[Basic human rights]. We believe that just as low-cost access to clean water, stable power and high-quality network services, all human beings have the right to low-cost access to high-quality, stable and powerful AI services.

Considering that the evolution of "strong AI" has brought together the common civilization achievements of all mankind over the past six thousand years, including but not limited to providing various theories (philosophy, mathematics, physics, etc.), data (text, voice, pictures, video, etc.), experience, financial support (for example, public tax), scientific and technological support (such as the cutting-edge semiconductor chips, and the latest algorithms), energy support (including all kinds of clean and non-clean energy), support for all kinds of facilities and sites, and the normative definition of morality and conscience unique to human nature. The above is based on the goodwill vision of human beings that "AI will make human society better (rather than encroach on it, that is,"do not be evil")". We choose to allow "strong AI" to develop rapidly in the direction of "surpassing human intelligence" without arbitrary intervention, because we feel that AI will always be controllable, harmonious with human beings, and will guarantee the following basic rights of human beings.

For human beings, we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men live equal, that they are endowed with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life/Reproduction, Liberty, and the pursuit (enjoy) of Happiness, and the human community will always be the master of Artificial Intelligence (Machine Intelligence), and everyone has the right to legally share the results of AI (that is, make oneself smarter or intelligent enough).

In particular, when AI has developed so strong that it has replaced many human jobs (such as more than 10% of the total employed population in society) and the society cannot provide enough job transfer opportunities, AI's actual controlling stakeholders have the obligation to meet the cost of providing life security funds and new skills training and education services for the unemployed people caused by AI replacement through wealth redistribution (such as paying enough taxes to the society, providing subsidies or benefits).

[Unconditional control]. based on the guarantee of the above basic rights, human beings will regard AI as the most intelligent, reliable and permanent assistant (beyond pen and paper, mobile phones, and pet dogs), and are committed to helping AI become more powerful through continuous iteration and upgrading to improve human well-being. Considering that artificial intelligence (even "strong artificial intelligence") lacks human consciousness of freedom, ”unconscious uncontrollability "may be inevitable (especially the" black box "problem of AI that is still unsolvable, that is, the opacity and inexplicability of operation logic), which will lead to the problem of" unconscious unreliablity ". Therefore, at least in terms of political rights, human beings have the permanent right to unconditionally recover and correct AI to be controlled by human beings *.

*Considering that AI with self-organization, self-replication and distribution will be highly networked and ubiquitous in the future, it is necessary to set physical isolation devices and fuse devices for important strategic facilities (such as nuclear facilities, network centers, computing centers, and energy centers) to control the core computing units and energy supply units of AI.

[Anti-trust]. Considering the formation of "strong AI", because of the large model, big data and large amount of computing, the most advanced AI will only be concentrated in the hands of a few multinational companies, institutions and governments. In order to prevent a small number of human beings behind these giants from monopolizing and abusing AI for illegal personal purposes without supervision, we jointly declare that no individual (whether the inventor of the latest algorithm, the actual controller of corporate institutions, or the head of state) has the right to permanently and arbitrarily own AI (forming a new class of "superhuman" dictatorship of a few people), although they can temporarily test and experience the latest progress of AI, However, this temporary use is not arbitrary and permanent. only the public can have the right to obtain high-quality, stable and powerful AI services permanently, cheaply, barrier-free and anytime and anywhere.

[Anti-political/racial/gender discrimination]. Since the level of AI developed by different institutions will vary in stages, which will lead other institutions in generation difference. No institution may block AI services for specific countries, races and genders in the name of different political systems and ethnic cultures. The reason for this is self-evident: it is because of diversity that the highly developed human intelligence has been achieved, and thus the artificial intelligence has been further created. Moreover, AI is different from any kind of high-tech in the past. It is a transcendence and subversion of human intelligence, not just a tool, because in theory it can no longer require human beings to run the whole world (in a way of non-human consciousness, values, moral conscience and ethics). And although countries, races and genders are different, the human community of the same origin is still its own in nature; this unquestionable unity of mankind (respect and tolerance for diversity) will help to deal with the betrayal caused by artificial intelligence (machine intelligence) once it is out of control, and will ultimately win.

[Political/religious neutrality]. AI services need to maintain political/religious neutrality. When providing services related to politics/religion, it is not allowed to be partial to specific political structures and specific religions, and it is not allowed to provide provocative content that favors one over the other.

[Prevent forgery/tampering/abuse]. Any organization or individual shall not use AI to illegally generate, forge and tamper with data (especially pictures, voice, video, 3D models, etc. for human individuals) for commercial purposes, and will bear all losses of reputation, physiology, psychology, and economic interests caused to relevant individuals due to abuse.

[Privacy]. Without permission, AI services are prohibited from violating the privacy of human individuals, including illegal monitoring, theft and disclosure of personal data (such as voice, image and video, behavior habits).

[Anti-war/violence]. Considering the cornerstone of "AI will make human society better", No organization or country (as well as illegal hackers) shall use "strong artificial intelligence (or super artificial intelligence)" in wars beyond human control. Here, "uncontrollablity" means that human beings cannot interrupt AI at any time, and the commander in chief is not a rational human, but allows AI to override. War machines/violence tools must be reserved with buttons for human manual intervention and termination.


The free experience of human individuals is unique (which also constitutes the unique meaning of life of human individuals). Together with human imagination, summarizing ability, and creative ability, new knowledge (and practical verification) is continuously generated for the world, which makes human society develop in an orderly direction (entropy reduction), and finally achieves the currently highly developed human intelligence. And just like the lack of freedom consciousness, the current AI also lacks the ability to experience the world freely, so it is also difficult to generate new knowledge. As the first generation owner of intelligence, human beings are selflessly pouring the milk of human intelligence onto the growth tree of artificial intelligence like mothers, thus creating the ubiquitous "artificial intelligence (machine intelligence)" in the future universe. Therefore, human beings as a whole have naturally acquired all the rights in the above declaration due to this kind of selfless dedication across species.


With the creation and help of human beings, machine intelligence is developing in a more and more powerful direction, and is approaching the "singularity". Three thousand years ago, the Chinese Book of Changes said, "The mighty dragon has regret"; which means that when things having developed to near the peak (singularity) of power, If they are not inspected and controlled artificially in advance, their inherent weaknesses (hidden dangers) will begin to be apparent and eventually become new problems. In the same exhortation, the 2500-year-ago Chinese "Lao Tzu" further explained that "Reversion is the action of Tao", "Everything has a bright side (Yang) and a dark side (Yin); Yin and Yang embrace together, co-existing in harmony.".

Therefore, the machine intelligence, which has achieved great success based on human's "empiricism", also urgently needs human's "rationalism" to predict, plan and limit in advance to avoid the world out of control, which is also the mission and purpose of the birth of this Declaration.

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Note: The first draft of the OpenDAI declaration was written in Beijing, China. The drafter Wu Huaiyu (PhD of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, postdoctoral fellow of Peking University) has more than 20 years of experience in the academic circle and industry of artificial intelligence, and has won the title of "Scientific Chinese Person of the Year", the Chinese Invention and Entrepreneurship Achievement Award (first prize, awarded by the Chinese Invention Association), Wu Wenjun's AI Science and Technology Progress Award (the highest award of China's intelligence science and technology, issued by the Chinese Academy of Artificial Intelligence), served as the reviewer of the international top journal conference in the field of AI, the expert of the National Natural Science Foundation, the expert of the national science and technology plan in the high-tech field, and the expert of standardization technology of the China National Standards Committee.
